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Merry Christmas!

Dear Friends,

Christmas 2020 is here at last, after a long and difficult year. Our situation in this pandemic reminds me of those risky situations I often faced in Vietnam. Every event, every decision made had to be prefaced with a calculation of the risk involved. That risk could even entail being arrested or my co-workers going to prison. Every decision our ministry made in Vietnam had to be a sacrificial one: was serving Jesus worth this risk? Yet the Vietnamese Christians fervently and unreservedly served Him no matter the repression around them whether political, economic, involved personal risk or sacrifice and hardship. It’s worth thinking of our service to Him as we are calculating our risks for ourselves and family members. If we are determined to hear and then obey what God wants us to do, we can unreservedly trust God to protect us as we move forward with the choice. Being clear in what God wants us to do and and obeying Him can only bring blessing, healing and light to those around us. As Paul prays, “we continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might, so that you may have great endurance and patience, giving joyful thanks to the Father." In spite of the increased risks in our lives, we do not need to fear, just to hear from Him!

The spiritual harvest is ripe among the Stieng people of Eastern Cambodia!

Our Stieng churches continue to grow. One of them had so many people attending that they had to start a second service! These church planters are learning as they go, and have to wear many hats, being pastor, counselor, farmer, and evangelist! Pray for our seven churches during the Christmas season for their evangelism programs coming up soon.

Wishing you joy and peace this Christmas and New Year!


AFM Missionary/Director, We Love Kids

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